I got an e-mail from Phillip today and opened to find this photo staring back at me:

I IM'd him to ask what it was and he told me that this is homecoming week at Blackhawk Christian School and today was "Super Hero Day." Okay. That only helps a little.
What super hero was he supposed to be? Well, it turns out he was dressed as Hawk. Who? Hawk is, I guess, the lead character in a web comic Phillip likes. He sent me a link that led me to this picture:
Apparently, if I understood Phillip right, "Hawk is a geek who thinks he's like Batman, but he's not."
Jameson also dressed up as a super hero. It appears that the defintion of super hero has clearly broadened quite a bit over the years. Whatever happened to Superman, Wonder Woman and Underdog? Anyway, Phillip explained to me that Jameson dressed up as Link, who is a Nintendo video game character. Oooookaay . . .

And here is Jameson's portrayal:

Pretty good, no? Well, Jameson (with a little help from his mom, of course) made Muntzes everywhere proud: His costume was named the best in the entire school today! I only hope that, unlike his father, he hasn't peaked in junior high.
That's a really good Link costume! he's just missing a blond wig...
"When everyone is super.... no one is." :-)
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